Our Class =)

Our Class =)

Friday, May 8, 2009


For Religion we have been talking about Mother Teresa and the good she did for people. Take a moment out of your day and reflect on the following poem. Remember to be nice to others, help others when they need you, love one another and respect your parents/caregivers. Let us following in Mother Teresa's actions.

Lord, make me a channel of peace, that
Where there is hatred, I bring love
That where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness;
That where there is discord, I may bring hamorny;
That where there is error, I may bring truth;
That where there is doubt, I may bring faith;
That where there is dispair, I may bring hope;
That where there are shadows, I may bring light;
That where there is sadness, I may bring joy.

Lord, grand thar I may seek rather to comfort than be comforted,
To undersand than be understood;
To love than be loved;
For it is by forgetting oneslf that one finds;
It is by forgiving that one is forgiven;
It is by dying that one awakens to eternal life

Science! ~~Plant Growth~~

Good evening CLASS!
I am so proud of all your hard work on the Science unit, Plant Growth.

To wrap up, this is what we accomplished over the past 2 months. This list is long! What an accomplishment!:
Identify and describe the parts of a plant.
Identify the roots, stems, leaves, and flowers of plants.
Compare the flowers, stems, leaves, or flowers of various plants.
Observe and record changes in plants as they grow.

Describe how plants reproduce.
Observe and describe seeds.
Compare different types of seeds.
Identify the plants which produce different types of seeds.
Classify seeds.
Identify the conditions necessary for seed germination.
Investigate how seeds are propagated.
Use vegetative reproduction to produce new plants.

Recognize the role of agriculture in our society.
Identify some types of grain or seeds grown for food.
Identify the parts of different plants that can be used as food.
Prepare some food from a commercial
Appreciate the importance of agriculture in Ontario.
Recognize other uses for plants.

**Now that our plants have bloomed healthy, you may take them home to your parents or caregivers and teach them all about your plant.

Here is an educational website about planting: Be sure to visit this website with your parents or caregivers!


Math! ~~Fractions Using Measurements~~


On Thursday, May 7th, I introduced you to Fractions, using measurement. What I gave all of you were empty plastic cups. What did you do with them? Well, first I asked you, "If I ask you to fill your cup half full, can you just fill it to be precise?" What was the answer? No! You're correct. I then continued to ask, "Well how can we measure
the water?" Edmond answered, "Let's use a ruler to measure the cup


So, as a class we first MEASURED the length of the cup (10 cm) and DIVIDED it by 2 (=5 cm). We then marked the 5cm point with a marker, and filled our cups to it.


Check out the following fun site for EXTRA practice:



Today we talked about how to keep healthy. What are some ways that you can stay healthy?

This is what we came up with in class:
1. Ride a bike
2. Exercise
3. Eat fruits and vegatables
4. Drink milk
5. Walk to school
6. Run in the park
7. Stretch

Excellent ideas class! ***Give yourselves a pat on the back!***

Now, be sure to work on your own Keeping Healthy Booklet at home. These were the instructions:
1. Take note of 5 things you do on the weekend that keeps you healthy.
2. Draw a picture for each (be sure to use a lot of colours and be neat!).

***Next week, we will be working on the written parts of your booklets.

Check out this site:

Math - Fractions

Hello Grade 2's and 3's. I hope you all will have a fantastic weekend! Just to recap on our math lesson earlier today, we were working on FRACTIONS.

The following is a math problem I'd like for you to solve. Whoever answers it correctly by Monday will receive a star!

There are 20 students in Ms. Smith's class. 4 of the students have blonde hair. What is the fraction that represents the students with blonde hair? Remember, use visuals to help you! Also, remember when we split up the class today and put you into equal groups? Use these skills to help you.

Please visit the following link on fractions to help refresh your memory. At the bottom of the page is a quiz!:


Final Product - Mother's Day Cinquain Poem

Yeah! We are finished our Mother's Day Cards! I am very happy with all of your hard work. Now that you know all about the Cinquain poem, you can teach others about about it!

I will be distributing your marks on this lesson on Monday, May 11th. Remember the checklist you followed for your self-assessment? Well, here it is again. This is what I will be marking you on:

1. Arrangement of flowers on the Mother’s Day card (alignment, staying in the margins, centering, etc.)
2. Writing skills: Punctuation, spelling, neatness (rough and final draft).
3. Following the 5-step rule of a cinquain poem (class discussion and writing your own poem)
4. Comprehension of the cinquain (class discussion and writing your own poem)
5. Comprehension of adjectives, verbs and nouns (ability to incorporate this into their cinquain poem)

The pictures above are some of your wonderful Mother's Day cards! =)

Introduction to Poetry - The Cinquain Poem

Yesterday I introduced you to a new unit ~~Poetry~~. I read you the book titled, “Nuts to You!” by Lois Ehlert. What a little mischievious squirrel! What we noticed about the book is that every page consisted of rhyming words. Here is a list of rhyming words you came up with:

1. He - She
2. Wheel - Feel
3. Run - Fun
4. Squirrel - Pearl

We then came to the conclusion that this book was a type of poetry! Can all of you remember what type?

We made a poetry web and we came up with the following key words that we thought reflected poetry:

1. Long
2. Short
3. Rhyming
4. Patterns
5. Poems
6. Acrostic
7. Haiku

Well done class!

To review, I taught you about the Cinquain poem. Can any of you remember how many rules a CINQUAIN poem consists of.... I'll give you a hint...How many fingers on a hand? Yes! 5! Here they are:

Line 1:
one word(subject or noun)
Line 2:
two words(adjectives) that describe line 1
Line 3:
three words(action verbs) that relate to line 1
Line 4:
four words(feelings or a complete sentence) that relates to line 1
Line 5:
one word(synonym of line 1 or a word that sums it up)

Look at the following pictures I took in class above. You all followed the rules impressively!